Ash pokemon porn gay

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Of course, there’s no outright evidence that either of them ever felt romantic stirrings towards the other besides some non-canonical supplementary material. Misty and Ash separated in the series before either one could reveal their true feelings.

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Worst of all, the showrunners called Misty eye candy for young boys. To make matters worse for our would-be couple, Misty was written off the show in the early seasons. Are you telling me us youths could relate to older people? Don’t have a cow. Also, there’s the whole problem of Ash never growing up so he can keep being the right away to buy Pokémon merchandise. Ash and Misty were never technically romantically linked. Alright so there are a few problematic things with that statement, I know.

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Pokémon not only introduced the world to the most successful franchise of all time (yes, the property outsells Star Wars and Harry Potter by some billions), it also introduced one of the most famous will-they-won’t-they couple-not-a-couples of all time.

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