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'Normal stuff didn't do anything any more, so I had to get more and more extreme material. In a BBC Newsbeat documentary examining the relationship between young people and porn, one man described how his addiction affected his life. 'So one of the first assessment questions I'd always ask now is about pornography and masturbatory habit because that can be the cause of their issues about maintaining an erection with a partner.' 'These younger men do not have an organic disease, they've already been tested by their GP and everything is fine.

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Miss Gregory said: 'Our experience is that, historically, men that were referred to our clinic with problems with erectile dysfunction were older men whose issues were related to diabetes, MS or cardiovascular disease.

'What I've seen over the last 16 years, particularly the last five years, is an increase in the amount of younger men being referred,' she told the BBC.Įrectile problems are most common in older men, particularly those with health problems affecting circulation.īut a 2014 study found one in four new erectile dysfunction patients was under 40.

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