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'Assistance from the public is critical in these types of investigations, no one tip or detail is too small, any information you may have regarding this investigation is valuable to us,' Const. Mounties said they're looking for witnesses and anyone with dash-cam or surveillance video to come forward by calling 60. 'Please also rest assured that this will not affect student’s ability to complete course work and graduate as planned,' the school's notice said. It's expected students will resume class there on Tuesday. Watch the Kyle Kash and John Foster featured in hot gay scene. Police didn't say what the caused the blaze, but said the RCMP's arson unit is in charge of the investigation.Ī statement from CABE Secondary, which is on Foster Avenue, said the school is closed Monday 'as the building is not safe to enter at this time.'Ĭlassrooms are being prepared at Winslow Centre, which is a couple blocks away. Chip Wright Bear Magazine chip wright all bear, scott avery gay porn, scott wilde gay porn, butch taylor gay porn, joe foster gay porn, eric ryan gay porn. Amazing porn video Kyle Kash and John Foster featured in hot gay scene for free on Porndoe. No injuries were reported and the fire was extinguished.

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Mounties said it was called to CABE Secondary School along with the Coquitlam Fire Department at about 12:45 a.m. A secondary school in Coquitlam is closed Monday after a fire over the weekend.

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